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Paulo is an award-winning graphic designer whose work has been featured in and recognized by national design publications such as PRINT and GD USA. He’s a big picture creative with a sophisticated design sense and a hands-on approach to the creative process that yields strategic, purposeful and visually appealing results. He specializes in editorial and publication design, typographic treatments, branding & logo development and promotional collateral. With nearly 20 years of experience in the graphic design industry, he has a wide understanding of visual language and its impact on culture and everyday life.

He is a member of the Society of Publication Designers (SPD), and has served as a design judge for the AZBEE Awards, an annual competition presented by the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE).

He’s a typography enthusiast and geeks out over mathematical equations presented by the relationship of baseline grids and type leading. An avid traveler who loves visiting new places solo, his wanderlust has enabled him to gain a broader perception and a deeper appreciation for how design influences societies all around the world.

In his free time, he enjoys dabbling in the culinary arts and homemaking, running half-marathons, knitting, Disneyland, and outdoorsy pursuits. His favorite book is Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

He currently resides in sunny Southern California, around the Greater Los Angeles area.


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